About the Sierra Club

Named “the most influential environmental organization” in an Aspen Institute poll, the Sierra Club gives the public the information and the means to make their voices heard. As the world’s oldest and largest grassroots environmental organization, the Club’s 750,000 members in 65 chapters and over 400 local groups nationwide possess the unique ability to empower people and influence public policy through community activism, public education, outreach and litigation.

About the Oregon Chapter

The Sierra Club’s Oregon Chapter represents the organization’s 20,000 members in Oregon and has worked to protect Oregon’s environment and natural resources since 1978. Today, the Sierra Club employs eight staff in Oregon who work with volunteer leaders to advance the chapter’s conservation priorities. Current priority conservation efforts of the Oregon Chapter include:

  • Protecting Oregon’s wild forests.
  • Protecting Oregon’s high deserts.
  • Stopping reckless liquefied natural gas pipelines and terminals.
  • Fighting for clean energy solutions.

Additionally, the Sierra Club maintains a professional presence at the state capitol and is active in efforts to influence legislative and administrative decisions that impact Oregon’s environment. The Oregon Chapter also conducts a wide array of activities that engage members and the general public in efforts to explore, enjoy and protect our shared environment; including outdoor hikes, service activities, community forums, and research efforts.

We take no money from government or corporations. Instead, we depend on members and supporters like you to help us achieve our conservation goals.

3 Responses to About the Sierra Club

  1. Travis L Orback says:

    The citizens of McMinnville are currently trying to get a public hearing on water fluoridation. McMinnville has been fluoridated for fifty years and the issue is currently making its way to front of the political scene.

    Would Sierra Club have any interest in covering this story?

    Travis L Orback
    McMinnville OR

  2. […] environmental organisation with a history spanning more than a century. On the Oregon chapter blog, they claim that their chapter has more than 20,000 […]

  3. jada says:

    i have a question that needs to be answer as some as possible:

    What actions does the sierra club take to try to influence policy and public agenda?

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